I’m going to put a video clip here eventually… it’s a clip from a movie called ‘Explorers’ from 1985 by Joe Dante staring River Phoenix, Ethan Hawke, and I can’t remember the other guys name… Corey maybe? Or something like that. I always found that kid annoying (no offense, I find lots of things annoying LOL), but his name never really stuck.
(put the clip here).
Anyway, so this idea comes to me, not exactly like in that movie clip LOL, but more like just a vision of the way something could be.
The dream is my mom running her own website, making more money than she needs from it, and really enjoying her life.
I call that a dream, because, well… first you’d need to known my mom. She makes all sorts of cool stuff… from knitted hats, crocheted doilies, women’s dresses, mens suits, even women’s suits, and mens dresses (like kilts you know?), all sorts of different things. She also does stuff like cans peaches, makes orange marmalade, and can cook up the most amazing dishes you’ve ever eaten.
She is also great with computers too! She used to teach bookkeeping, accounting, typing, and even how to use spreadsheets! My mom is super amazing smart and totally capable. There are not many things she couldn’t do if she set her mind to it! (I don’t think she’s going to be playing professional football anytime soon, but you get the idea, and that’s not likely something she’d ever want to mind about anyway LOL). My mom was born in the early 1940’s.
Here’s a bit from wikipedia about the 1940’s:
The 1940s (pronounced “nineteen-forties” and commonly abbreviated as “the 40s“) was a decade that began on January 1, 1940, and ended on December 31, 1949.
Most of World War II took place in the first half of the decade, which had a profound effect on most countries and people in Europe, Asia, and elsewhere. The consequences of the war lingered well into the second half of the decade, with a war-weary Europe divided between the jostling spheres of influence of the Western world and the Soviet Union, leading to the beginning of the Cold War.
My mom’s lived through a bunch of stuff, and a lot of it not good. The world has had some amazing transformations, transformations that are actually mind boggling if you take a moment to think about it all… When my mom was a kid, she went to the bathroom in an outhouse!!!
Now people can, and do, video chat with people all over the world with hand held video phones like it’s no big deal. It’s super easy, just like using a toaster.
But even now, in 2022, setting up your own website to sell your own things is more like taking your car into the mechanic than using a toaster… there’s a reason for that.
It’s 2022 now when I’m writing this, things have changed a lot. though this has been a dream of mine since, I had it, one day in Sept of 2011.
I actually had this same thought much much earlier, but I had to actually ‘do’ this thing about ‘making more money than needed online, and really enjoying life’ myself before I could help to make that dream come true for her.
I’m a big believer in dreams, and in working to make the good ones come true. Interestingly, my dreams are usually for other people, I don’t usually dream things for myself. For me, the ‘dream’ is the ‘dreaming’… that’s kinda crazy to be sure… but what can you do?
By the time I had this particular dream, the IWB (innerwebblueprint.com) dream, I had already made a whole bunch of money online, and knew exactly how to do all that stuff that I mentioned. It took a while to figure it all out, but it wasn’t all that hard.
I had just moved to San Diego, it was just me and my best friend (a big huge great dane of goodness). I had moved there to work on a new project, but the people involved just ended up being awful. I did love living there though, I was a 5 minute drive to the beach, and my best friend loved the beach!
Anyway, I started working on this project back then, and looking back, I wish I would have been able to finish it then. Some bad stuff happened that sort ate up 10 years… it’s long story, but I lost my best friend. It was way traumatic for me.
But my mom was there. She flew down to San Diego on 15 minutes notice to be with me during arguably one of the most painful times in my life. I wish everyone could have a mom like mine.
Anyway, back to the dream.
Making that happen is a little challenging. It’s challenging because all this website stuff is so much… hosting, serving, domain names, ssl, http, ip, dns, omg, the list is so long… not to mention payment processing, merchant accounts, integrations, email, spam, and all the other things that get in between you and whomever your interacting with online.
It’s a lot… and I haven’t said a word about uploading pictures, configuring things how they need to be configured, so they show up here, not there, or not there, but over here…
The whole thing can be completely overwhelming for some people, and the truth is… it’s that way on purpose. Now, I’m not saying it’s necisarily ‘malicious’, but it is on purpose.
Tech people makes things harder than they need to be… mostly because it ensures they always have good paying work. Not all tech people are like that thankfully, but sadly, that is the design that seems to have ‘stuck’ for most in the ‘tech’ world.
It’s a sort of carry over from the ‘built in obsolesencece’ model, or concept: ‘you have to buy a new one, because I need more money, so I made it to break at some point on purpose, so you will have to’.
That might be a great way too ‘make money’, but it sorta has a nasty effect on ‘longevity’. It’s sort of like ‘commoditizing time’, which I’ve come to see as a nasty sort of ‘make a deal with the devil’ kind of ‘black magic’.
I like things that last forever, that never break, are always sound, function smoothly, humm along nicely, don’t require much maintenance, are super reliable, somehow no matter what… you can always count, or rely on it.
Not everybody needs that kind of thing like I do… to me it’s super important. I think it’s important for everyone else to, but what I think of you is mostly none of your business ;)… I mean unless you want it to be.